


    弗罗多 发表于 2013-8-19 23:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    今天,龙与地下城ol最新版本Update 19: Shadowfell Conspiracy 盛大开启,辉仑城(Wheloon)监狱充斥着一股不详的氛围,监狱由阴暗的巨石和灯组建,且雨不断地下。监狱里满是杀人犯,幽灵和夜行神龙。监狱也被Netherese用作集结地的豢养军队以占领这个城市。危险潜伏在大盒子,小巷,甚至屋顶。玩家可以通过连接坡道操控屋顶,并在城市上空战斗,然后冲过成群的敌人。
    Wheloon City

    Take to the sprawling city streets and rooftops of Wheloon as you hunt down Netherese agents seeking to forge an army. A shadowy maze where even the Purple Dragon Knights will not tread, the public area and new dungeons of this prison city will put you to the test!

    The Storm Horns

    Journey to the breathtaking and treacherous Storm Horn Mountains where, beneath the natural beauty, hides a dark alliance that threatens all of Cormyr. Explore a massive, new wilderness area as you ascend the towering peaks and confront the agents of shadow!

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